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Expert brand design for small businesses

Sowing Seeds of Success
Nurturing Brands for Long-Term Growth

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What makes me and this studio "me"?

What motivated me to start my own studio?


In my cozy workspace, I like to imagine that I have three furry supervisors. Together, they keep me company and ensure every project meets our rigorous standards for quality control. They are fairly compensated for their work by lots of treats of course!


When I'm not busy crafting brands and making magic happen, you can find me indulging in yummy snacks, cuddling with my cats, or diving headfirst into another exciting project. Because let's be real - I  love what I do and wouldn't have it any other way.



I've always been passionate about storytelling and creative solutions. After studying graphic design at university and working as an in-house designer for various agencies, I quickly realized that I craved more creative freedom. The repetitive nature of my work and the short life expectancy of my designs left me feeling unfulfilled. I wanted to leave a lasting mark, to create designs that evoke emotions and intrigue.


So, with determination fueling my steps, I decided to take a leap of faith and pursue my dream of establishing Maplemuse Studio. It wasn't an easy decision; it was filled with uncertainty and fear of the unknown. But deep down, I knew that staying in my comfort zone would only lead to regret.


I saved up enough money to sustain myself for a while and quit my job. Some might call it delusion, but for me, it was about chasing my dreams and refusing to settle for mediocrity. I would much rather give it my best and fail than stay at my boring job and wonder what could have been. Just like so many small business owners did to kickstart their business.

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What is my go to design approach?

Before I dive into the creative fun stuff, I roll up my sleeves and get down to business. I'm a firm believer that a strong brand starts with a solid strategy. By digging deep into your business, market, and competitors, I uncover insights and opportunities that set the stage for success. I'm not just designing a logo – I'm crafting a brand that stands out, connects with your audience, and drives real results.


And what exactly does strong branding deliver to your business? From increased brand recognition and customer loyalty to a leg up on the competition, the benefits are endless. By investing in your brand identity, you're not just making your business look good – you're setting yourself up for long-term success and growth.


As a self-proclaimed research maniac, I'm obsessed with uncovering the secrets to your success. I dive deep into the nitty-gritty of your business, market, and competitors to uncover insights that will give you a competitive edge. I thrive on the thrill of discovery and the satisfaction of turning insights into action. When you work with me, you can trust that every design decision is backed by data and strategic thinking.

Brand Strategy and Analysis

How does a collaboration with me look?

When you contact me with an inquiry, I swing into action. Within 48 hours, I'll review your message and get back to you. If it seems like we're a good fit, I'll message you to set a starting date for the project and send over a Welcome Packet.


This comprehensive PDF serves as your roadmap for our collaboration, detailing the process, timeline, deliverables, and more. It gives you a clear understanding of what to expect every step of the way. We'll also set up your personalized Client Portal on Notion.


Your Client Portal is your command centre for all project-related things. Here, you'll find your contract, invoices, questionnaires, and more – all neatly organized for easy access. To help you get acquainted with your Portal, we've included a tutorial section to guide you through its features and functionalities.


Before we kick things off officially, you'll be asked to upload a signed contract and complete a Brand Discovery Questionnaire. All taking place in the Client Portal. This helps us better understand your brand and craft the perfect strategy.


Next up, it's time for the Brand Strategy & Creative Direction Presentation. This detailed analysis dives into every aspect of your brand, from competitors to target audience, brand tone, vision, mission, and more. You'll also find two visual direction options for you to choose from, along with two rounds of revisions to ensure it's just right.


Once we've nailed down the strategy, we'll move on to the exciting part – branding! You'll receive another presentation in your Client Portal, outlining the branding concepts and designs. Again, you'll have two rounds of revisions to fine-tune the details.


Finally, after everything is approved and confirmed, it's time for the finishing touches. You'll make the final payment, and I'll send over all the necessary files – marking the exciting conclusion of our collaboration!

notion client portal

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